
HCL Commerce Featurette: Page Builder

By Erika Puff
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Erika Puff

Erika Puff

Erika Puff serves as BlueSky’s Global Business Development Manager. Over the last decade, Erika has played a critical role in leading account management for BlueSky and has developed long-time relationships with our clients. Her unique insight into eCommerce solutions provides our clients with a deep understanding of what could work best for their specific goals.
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HCL Commerce Featurette: Page Builder

Welcome to this month’s BlueSky Featurette, where we highlight another exciting feature of the HCL Commerce platform called “Page Builder.”

Since HCL Commerce (formerly IBM WebSphere Commerce) was acquired by HCL two years ago, we have seen a steady stream of enhancements released to the HCL Commerce platform. In HCL’s most recent Summer 2021 release, even more, exciting updates were added such as new search business user tooling, a cloud-native database, and the topic of today’s Featurette – Page Builder!

When HCL moved away from the Aurora store, the JSP-based tooling, Commerce Composer, wouldn’t work with the new React-based storefronts. The introduction of the Page Builder tool provides a streamlined business user experience giving them complete control of the pages and content within the React storefronts. Commerce Composer is still available to allow business users to control the Aurora store, should they need it, and Page Builder is specifically available in the new React-based storefronts.

The following are the key capabilities Page Builder provides business users:

Create New Pages

  • For example, if a Marketer wants to add a marketing content page, it can be done quickly, simply, and without IT support.

Search Engine Optimization

  • Ability to modify the SEO layer (URL, keywords, page title, metadata) – something people have been requesting for a long time!


  • Layouts are important for pages like product detail pages or catalog list pages where you may have to create many pages that should be formatted similarly.
  • Layouts provide the ability to create many pages easily via a predetermined template.

Assign Priority

  • Page Builder provides the ability to designate priority for different pages to surface at different times of the day, week, or month.

Streamlined User Interface

  • Allows business users to take ownership of landing pages, catalog pages, product display pages, etc. all with drag and drop capabilities and an updated look and feel.
  • Preview pages quickly and easily.

No additional charge!

  • Page Builder comes built into the HCL Commerce platform.

“HCL’s priority was always making the engine as fast and feature-rich as possible. Now we’re really trying to put the power in the hands of the people running and merchandising the Commerce system. We want to make sure you have all of the tools you need to run your eCommerce business as practically as possible.” – John Beechen, Sr. Product Manager, HCL

Check out some of the other topics in BlueSky’s HCL Featurette series:

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