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Microsites, Multisites and Extended Sites, Oh My!

In the e-commerce world, a microsite, multisite, or extended site has many interpretations or definitions. Collectively, we will refer to them as an “e-site,” which in...

BlueSky Commerce Blog


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HCL Commerce Featurette: Improved SEO on Every Page

Welcome to this month’s installment of BlueSky’s Featurette series, where we select a feature of the HCL Commerce platform to highlight. This month we will be focusing on capabilities within the HCL Commerce platform that enhance search engine optimization or SEO...

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Multi-Sized Lessons for Multi-Sized Approaches

Every day, we work with clients that are large and small. It does not matter if the work involves strategy, technology, marketing, or talent - our team truly tailors solutions to the needs of each client. Why is this so important?   Almost every organization needs the...

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