Welcome to the third installment in our series of HCL Commerce “Featurettes”, where we highlight a specific set of functionality within HCL Commerce. This Featurette will highlight B2B capabilities, which have been a strength of HCL Commerce, formerly IBM WebSphere Commerce, for years.
B2B businesses demand a lot from their eCommerce solution. The ability to support needs like complex contract pricing, invoicing, product entitlements, and contract management are cornerstones to a top-tier enterprise B2B solution.
Here are some of the capabilities HCL Commerce comes equipped with for sites that sell directly to businesses:
- Ability to set up multiple catalogs for different customers with product entitlements
- Customer-specific contract pricing
- Requisitions lists (saved items)
- Multiple saved orders and re-ordering
- Self-serve registration for organization and buyers
- Ability to “buy on behalf of”
- Guest browsing and shopping
- Multi-language/multi-currency support
Both B2B & B2C companies have trusted the HCL Commerce platform to support their complex needs over the years. Whether buying holiday gifts for family members or purchasing a complex raw material, customers expect an excellent shopping experience. It is important to personalize that experience while providing a simple and effective way for B2B users to place orders so they don’t have to call your customer service team!
If you would like to learn more about HCL Commerce, B2B best practices, or discuss any challenges you’re having, contact me and I’d be happy to arrange a call with one of our experts.