The famous saying, "if you build it, they will come", unfortunately does not always apply. Merchandisers and marketers in the eCommerce industry know that...
Subject: Technology
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Moving eCommerce to the Cloud: Three Factors to Consider
These days, it seems that everyone is "moving to the Cloud." But what does that truly mean for an eCommerce operation? Whether you're considering adding a...
What We Learned from IBM WoW 2016
WoW! And by wow we don’t just mean the exclamation – we also mean WOW as in World of Watson. In October, more than 17,000 people, from over 120 countries,...
What if your commerce data were as easy to search as Google?
Turning Commerce Data into Online Merchandising Insight with IBM's Commerce Insights One of the biggest pains plaguing online merchandisers today is the...
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB): The Missing Puzzle Piece
There is a common perception amongst small to midsized corporations that an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) is cost prohibitive.Many also believe that, beyond...
Resolve UX & Server Performance Hiccups Faster, With Dynatrace for IBM Commerce
The following post was written with significant contribution from Ravi Sama, BlueSky Solution Architect. Never before have consumers held such high...
Better eCommerce Stores, Without IT Involvement – Commerce Composer
One hiccup in the buyer’s journey – a failed promo code, incorrect product info, lack of mobile responsiveness, or too many clicks to complete a transaction –...
Sterling Configurator: Enabling Perfect, Instant, Custom Orders
For many businesses and their customers, ordering a complex product -- one with lots of variable, customizable components -- is a huge pain. Whether...
7 Reasons to Migrate to IBM Commerce v7 Webinar
IBM Commerce v7 is the best way to leverage your eCommerce investment and maximize your revenue potential. Join BlueSky's webinar on...
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