
BlueSky Technology Partners Recognized by Noblesville Chamber of Commerce for Corporate Volunteerism

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BlueSky Technology Partners Recognized by Noblesville Chamber of Commerce for Corporate Volunteerism

Topics: Award / Giving Back

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. -BlueSky Technology Partners, an eCommerce consulting firm, was recognized for corporate volunteering efforts on May 28, 2014, at the monthly Chamber of Commerce luncheon for the annual Vision Noblesville awards. The corporate volunteering award honors one business each year that has made a substantial and positive impact on the community.

BlueSky Technology Partners has focused on giving back to the community since its founding in 2006, beginning with small philanthropic events that have grown into the BlueSky Cares Program, a program that lets employees use their talents to give back to the community.

Over the years, BlueSky employees have served Brooke’s Place, Janus Developmental Services, the Live Like Andi Foundation, and the American Diabetes Foundation.

“They help all these organizations with fundraising, volunteer assistance and professional advice,” Vision Noblesville Manager Cindy Benedict said. “Their employees roll up their sleeves for the Indiana Blood Center and adopt a local family every year through United Christmas Services.” Benedict created the awards along with the Chamber of Commerce in 2013 to increase volunteer efforts and recognize Noblesville residents and organizations who contribute locally for the betterment of the community.

After review by the Vision Noblesville Volunteer Council, winners are selected in seven different categories including: All-Around Volunteer, Corporate Volunteerism, Faith-Based Volunteer, Mayor’s Volunteer Award, Outstanding Environmentalist, Exemplary Service Learning Award, and Lifetime Achievement Award.

The event was attended by Noblesville Mayor, John Ditslear. “Several outstanding nominations were submitted this year which illustrates the commitment and caring that Noblesville residents and organizations have for our community,” Ditslear said. “My deep appreciation goes out not only to all who were nominated, but to all volunteers who work hard to make our city a better place.”

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