
BlueSky Continues to Proudly Support Noblesville High School Internship Program

By BlueSky Commerce
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BlueSky Continues to Proudly Support Noblesville High School Internship Program

Topics: Giving Back

For the past two years, BlueSky has participated in the Noblesville High School’s internship program. Initially launching in 2013, this program was run as a test with 22 students. Noticing the quick success of the program, the school district administrators decided to hire a full-time coordinator and launch the program officially the following school year. Since then, the program has realized consistent growth in the number of student participants as well as the number of businesses involved.

This academic year, more than 200 students were paired with 76 organizations and companies, including BlueSky – and the list keeps growing on both ends – the 2016-17 year has already garnered more than 230 students and more than 80 businesses ready for the program ahead.

This is a powerful and convincing statement of engaged students and companies willing to invest in the future of our workforce in Indiana.

Our intern this year is Lucas Parke, a Senior of Noblesville High School’s 2016 graduating class. Lucas has been working closely with our IT team, learning real-world computer skills and gaining experience in our industry that he’ll undoubtedly apply to in his career and beyond.

The number one thing I’ll take away from interning here is experience. I found out what regular work days were like and I saw what skills I will actually need in my career. I’ve enjoyed my time here.
-Lucas Parke

A huge shoutout to Lucas for participating this year and being a part of the family here at BlueSky!

Read the full article featured in the Indiana Business Journal here.

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