BlueSky Technology Partners Inc., Receives the Special Recognition Award for Charitable Giving from Janus Developmental Services

BlueSky Cares

Written By BlueSky Commerce

Written By BlueSky Commerce

June 23, 2014

BlueSky Commerce Corporate HQ

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. -BlueSky Technology Partners Inc., received the special recognition award for charitable giving at the Janus Developmental Services Awards Banquet, held on June 23, 2014, at the Knights of Columbus Hall at St. Louis de Montefort Church in Fishers. The awards banquet celebrated the achievements of clients, board members, and staff, as well as community organizations, businesses, volunteers, and individuals who have partnered with Janus. Over 200 people attended the event.

Co-founder and CEO of BlueSky, Todd Irwin, was in attendance to receive the award on BlueSky’s behalf, and delivered a heartfelt message “inspired by the incredible service Janus provides.”

“I was proud to represent all my caring colleagues while receiving the Special Recognition Award for charitable giving at the Janus 2014 Annual Awards Ceremony in Fishers last week,” Irwin said. “I am truly thankful I was able to receive this award for BlueSky.”

Just a month earlier, in mid-March, BlueSky was able to once again participate in the “Create, Connect and Commit Fundraising Breakfast,” an event created to help raise funds through donations from both individuals and organizations. This year, the event raised over $51,000 for Janus.

Janus Developmental Services provides individuals with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within their community and Janus’ community partners are a vital part of fulfilling that important mission.

To learn more about Janus, please visit:

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